It was a pretty good month for book pick-ups. Half-Off sale at our favorite thrift store never hurts things and neither does the fact that an author I reviewed an ARC for recently liked my review so much that he sent me copies of the rest of his books. For Kindle: The Air Raid Killer […]
Category: Monthly Updates
Sometimes life is so busy that I don’t have the time to keep up with entering books into Librarything or Goodreads or the blog. That’s been the case lately. Which is why for the second time in a row I am combining two posts together for the pick ups blog. For Kindle: Bone Music (The […]
It’s been a crazy January, which is why I haven’t posted my December pick ups yet. So you’re getting a two-for-one deal with BOTH December and January Pick Ups. Also I’ve been reading like crazy since I decided to fill up my February with ARC deadlines. For Kindle: Warning Call: A Novel of the Black […]
November 2017 Book Pick Ups
This month is different! I actually kept my book acquisitions to a reasonable number. Of course, I still have so many books on my TBR already that I’m going to have to live to be 200 to read them all, but progress is progress. For Kindle: Colorless Why I got it: It was offered for […]