
Deconstructing Anxiety: Book Blitz

Deconstructing Anxiety The Journey from Fear to Fulfillment
by Todd E. Pressman, PhD
336 pages
Publisher:  Rowman & Littlefield
Release date:  January 2020
Genre:  Self-Help/How To, Adult Non-Fiction (18+)

Meet A New Book


Content Rating: PG

In Deconstructing Anxiety, Pressman provides a new and comprehensive
understanding of fear’s subtlest mechanisms. In this model, anxiety is
understood as the wellspring at the source of all problems. Tapping into
this source therefore holds the clues not only for how to escape fear,
but how to release the very causes of suffering, paving the way to a
profound sense of peace and satisfaction in life.

With strategically developed exercises, this book offers a unique,
integrative approach to healing and growth, based on an understanding of
how the psyche organizes itself around anxiety. It provides insights
into the architecture of anxiety, introducing the dynamics of the “core
fear” (one’s fundamental interpretation of danger in the world) and
“chief defense” (the primary strategy for protecting oneself from
threat). The anxious personality is then built upon this foundation,
creating a “three dimensional, multi-sensory hologram” within which one
can feel trapped and helpless.

Replete with processes that bring the theoretical background into technicolor,
Deconstructing Anxiety provides a clear roadmap to resolving this human
dilemma, paving the way to an ultimate and transcendent freedom.
Therapists and laypeople alike will find this book essential in helping
design a life of meaning, purpose and enduring fulfillment.


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