Wyrd & Wonder

Get To Know The Fantasy Reader [Wyrd & Wonder]

This book tag was originally created by Bree Hill as the Get to Know the Romance Reader Tag, The Book Pusher adapted it for fantasy readers. I got the tag from Falling Letters. This is my first post for Wyrd & Wonder.

Get To Know The Fantasy Reader

1) What is your fantasy origin story? Regular readers can probably guess my answer. Since the first fantasy story in my life is the one my parents read while my mother was pregnant, The Lord of the Rings. It’s the book they picked my name from. I was pretty much born to be a fantasy reader.

2) If you could be the hero in a fantasy novel, who would be the author and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story? Pretty sure that I’d want Kat Ross to write the story. I’d insist that the story would have the heroine who doesn’t wear pants troupe in it. I’d also be a medieval Dutch princess and the book would be full of Dutch mythology, ’cause that’s part of my heritage and I don’t think there are many fantasies setup that way.

And now I can’t stop thinking about this. There is so much fantasy based on Celtic, Norse and Germanic mythology, lately there’s been a big surge of fantasy from Middle Eastern cultures. But a Dutch fantasy could be so cool; Witte Wieve/white women (seriously cool myth read more about it),  house elves, moss people, and clogs!

3) What is a fantasy you’ve read this year, that you want more people to read? I’m almost finished with Tide by Lacy Sheridan. It’s a different kind of fantasy, which I can’t quite decide if it’s YA or NA and it has lots of pieces from fantasy subgenres, but put together in an entirely new way. My review will be coming soon.

4) What is your favourite fantasy subgenre? What subgenre have you not read much from? My favorite subgenre is mythology. I’m not into erotica anything, or vampires.

5) Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors? Stephen R Lawhead

6) How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? Twitter, Goodreads, Emails, Amazon, Friends, Family, I don’t know they probably even come to me in my sleep.

7) What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for? Balthazar’s Bane!

8) What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest? That the old stuff is irrelevant or too high brow and then new stuff is all YA. You are just not looking in the right places for recommendations.

9) If someone had never read a fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first three books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be?

10) Who is the most recent fantasy reading content creator you came across that you’d like to shoutout? I recently found @wyrdandwonder and @SketchesbyBoze on Twitter.


I’m doing a giveaway this month for a boxed set of the books that made me a Kat Ross fan! 📚📚📚 Check it out here.

2 replies on “Get To Know The Fantasy Reader [Wyrd & Wonder]”

Thanks. Future parents should take note and make sure to read good fantasy to their children while they are in the womb.

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