Monthly Updates

May Wrap Up and June Small Goals

What is it?

Like to post about your goals? Link up with any goal post in's linkup on the first day of the month!Writes like a Girl has a linkup called Small Goals. Each month you post a short list of small goals you intend to work on plus your progress towards your goals from the previous month.

Stay Gold Autumn has another goal linkup with the rules:

  1. Add your goal posts to the linkup: it could be your goals for the year, 101 in 1001 goals, monthly goals, or just a post that talks about a goal you have completed!
  2. Display the button on your blog or post (button + code is available on my sidebar)
  3. Comment on 3 other blog posts that are linked up!

My Rating System:

I decided to use a emoji rating system for my goal like I use for my books.

Forgot to do it most days.

Somewhat met this goal (did at least 1/2 of the days.)

Mostly met this goal (did at least 2/3 of the days.)

Accomplished this goal.

May Goals

3 Sets of Sit-ups.

Read for 15 Minutes.

Finish one book a week.

Create one new page in my bullet journal a week.

May Wrap Up

May was a crazy month, I was sick most of it and could barely concentrate half of the time because of being on tons of decongestants and stuff. So I had lots of time to read, but sit-ups um… nope. I also spent quiet a bit of time putting my backlog of reviews up on Goodreads, which got me into the Top 100 Reviewers.

I’ll be posting my May pickups later this week, but I also got a ton of new Kindle books, and added a whole bunch to my TBR list.

I started doing a bullet journal/ art journal page for each book I finish. (Thanks to Bec at Readers Wonderland for the idea.) Here are my first two pages:

The Waterfall Traveler (read my review)

Ticker (read my review)

June Goals

Finish June still in the top 100 on Goodreads.

Create one new page in my bullet journal a week.

2 sets of Sit ups a day.

Finish Six of Crows, Empty Threat, and Wise Mans Fear, and start the Dark Frigate if there is time.


That’s it for my June Small Goals. Do you have any goals you’d like to accomplish this month?

8 replies on “May Wrap Up and June Small Goals”

Yeah I didn’t know about it either until this new section showed up on my profile. Now I’m super motivated to get all my reviews from my blog moved over to Goodreads. 🙂

I actually started a bullet page for tracking sit-ups, so far it’s helping to have a little box to color in every time I’ve done them. I’m on a 5 day streak right now. 😀

Thanks! I had 168 reviews in the month of May which put me at #30 for the monthly for the USA and #55 globally on Goodreads. Reviews have to be at least 50 characters to count.

I can’t imagine reading a book a week, that is seriously impressive!! (I also have a hard time finishing books, which is problematic for the one-book-a-week goal, haha.)

Once upon a time 52 books a year was my norm… but life has been crazy the last couple of weeks. So I was hoping just for the month to get back a little bit of my old bookish spunk.

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