Today is the beginning of National Library Week. It’s a great time to remember all the good things libraries do for our communities, and to go a visit your local library. But there are many ways to support your library, and they probably need the extra support as many are facing tight budgets and some libraries in Oregon have even been forced to close.
Here in Albany, Oregon the library board is doing a #LibrariesTransform campaign with yard signs around town. Our goal is to help people think about the libraries and everything they do for the community. Libraries besides being a place of

to books face tougher learning challenges in school and beyond. 75% of state prison inmates can be classified as low literate.
learning and literacy also host public programs, offer internet access, and help with things like tax preparation and medicare paper work. Our library carries books, audiobooks, ebooks, music cd’s, dvd’s and Blu-rays, educational software and video games, puppets and more. Plus our children’s area is the best indoor playground in town; with a puppet theatre, puzzles and games, over sized soft blocks, sensory tubes and even a play kitchen.
Check out the library calculator to find out just how much your library use might be worth.
7 Ways to Celebrate Your Library
- Share it on Social – What is your librarian an expert in—storytime, medieval history, recommending books—or are they an expert in making you smile? Let the world know that you appreciate your “expert in the library” using the images at I Love Libraries and the hashtag #expertinthelibrary. Post between Saturday, April 8 at noon CT and Saturday, April 15 at noon CT for a chance to win the $100 Visa gift card (see site for details.) Extra points if you tag your library in the post.
Also make sure to use the hashtags #LibrariesTransform and #NationalLibraryWeek.
- Visit Your Library – If it’s possible go every day this week. Most libraries have some sort of door counter, and the number of visitors matter when it comes time to talk about budget for staffing. If your library can show decision makers that people are still coming and using the library it makes a big difference.
- Join the Friends of the Library – Most libraries have these group dedicated to helping support their library. Besides offering support, helping with volunteers, most of the Friends of the Library groups put on great programs at the Library. This is another number that the library can take to the budget committee. For our local library it only costs $20/year for a family membership.
- Send A Thank You Note – April 11th is National Library Workers day. Brighten the staff’s day by sending them a thank you note and let them know you appreciate your library.
- Write A Letter to the Editor – Send a letter to your local paper and let them know you support your libraries. Share a personal story. Talk about the library calculator above. Or just give your library a big shout out.
- Go to a Fundraiser – Our library just finished their 3rd Library Uncorked fundraiser. It was a night of wine and hors d’oeuvres in the library accompanied by live music and a silent auction. It was a great way to support the library. Our library also has an annual book sale. Other libraries may have 5k Runs, cook-offs, or donation drives. Be a part of the next fundraiser to support your library.
- Go to a City or County Budget Meeting – OK I know they are long and boring, but the thing is if you show up you have a HUGE impact. It’s your government and you do get a say, tell them you support your library. If you’re feeling frisky ask them when was the last time they visited the library. Challenge them with these facts on Libraries Matter or from Libraries Transform.
How will you show support for your library during National Library Week? Leave me a comment to let me know.