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September 2017 Book Pick Ups


September 2017 book pick ups

I am trying to tame my TBR, I really am, but The Deliberate Readerman those Author freebies, and then sequels to the great books from the Shattered Worlds Read Along. There are a lot of really great sounding books here, and once the read along is over I’ll be tackling the Number Games Saga books, because I can’t wait to see where that idea takes things.

For Kindle:

Children of Avalon: The Traveller Series Book One 
Why I got it: Author Freebie. Multiverse, Arthurian story… is enough for me.

Numbers Game (Numbers Game Saga Book 1)
Why I got it: After reading Richard’s story as part of the Shattered World’s Read Along, I knew I wanted to read more of this series.

Chan’s Story: A Numbers Game ShortRuby’s Story: A Numbers Game Short
Why I got it: Author Freebie. During the Shattered Worlds Read Along for Richard’s story the author gave us a link to get these tow other stories.

The Red Queen (Wonderland University)
Why I got it: Author Freebie. I knew this one was coming out a while ago, and was pretty interested. I mean come on, “Iracebeth has one more year of sorcery training before she sits on the throne as the Red Queen of Wonderland. But, each day with her arch-nemesis, Alice proves to be more of a brutal eternity when her life starts to systematically fall apart. Did she have to steal her boyfriend, friends, and every hope for happiness?” And then it was offered for free to her newsletter subscribers (it otherwise $.99, so not likely to break the bank.)

Seeds of Discovery (Dusk Gate Chronicles Book 1)
Why I got it: It’s been on my Amazon list for awhile, and in Sept it was free!

Slumber (Beauty Never Dies Chronicles Book 1)
Why I got it: Author Freebie. Post-Apocalyptic retelling of Sleeping Beauty, I figured it was worth a try.

The Sea Queen (The Dark Queens Book 1)
Why I got it: Author Freebie. This series sounds really good. I really love Greek Mythology imaginings. “And when a dark queen gets an idea, nothing and no one can stand in her way…”

Kids Books:

I Will Not Read This Book
Why I got it: It was $4.99, repeat $4.99! What a steal for such a fun book. I plan on reading this one to Miss S’s 2nd grade class this year.

Cooking with the Grinch
Why I got it: Bought this book for #BuyABookDay, plus Miss S loves to read these books.

From The Library:

One-Pan Wonders

Why I got it: Sheila at The Deliberate Reader had it on her list last month.

Understanding Coding With Minecraft (Kids Can Code Series)
Why I got it:  Trying to take Miss S’s interest in Minecraft and turn it into an interest in coding.

Brave Batgirl
Why I got it: Miss S picked it out to read herself.

2 replies on “September 2017 Book Pick Ups”

It is fantastic. I found it on sale at Tuesday Morning, which may be my new go to for Children’s books. Their prices are great!

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