Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #18

toptentuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010.

Since I’ve started blogging more regularlly I’ve

February 28, 2017: Freebie Top Ten Books With X Setting (top ten books set near the beach, top ten book set in boarding school, top ten books set in England, etc.)

I’m much more of a genre reader than one who thinks much about where a book is set. (I did do an earlier Top Ten Tuesday post on Books Set Outside to USA.) But for today’s picks I’m choosing books with a Scandinavian or Russian setting. Quite frankly, there’s going to be a lot of Elizabeth Boyer in this list.

Top 10 Books Set in A Scandinavian or Russian Setting

In no particular order: (If I have reviewed the book the title will be linked to my Goodreads review, the images are linked to Amazon.)

    1. The Troll’s Grindstone
    2. Troll Fell
    3. Number the Stars
    4. White Raven: The Sword of Northern Ancestors
    5. The Sword and the Satchel 
    6. The Thrall and the Dragon’s Heart
    7. The Crown and the Crucible
    8. The Curse of Slagfid
    9. A Doll’s House
    10. Crime and Punishment

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