May 22, 2018: Best Character Names (make this as narrow/broad as you’d like)
I really enjoyed creating this list and thinking up all the great feminine characters who I’ve enjoyed over the years and then finding art to go along with all of them. The characters who haven’t been on the big screen yet were a little challenging, and for those characters who do have movie adaptations I tried to stay away from straight up movie art.
A note on the art: I used image for this blog from DeviantArt as noted below. As a creator myself I enjoy it when someone else likes my work, but I want them to credit me, and so in return I credit other creators. And I only used images that had the download link active or I contact the creator for permission to use the image in this blog. A huge shout out goes to Marianna Insomnia Photography for letting me use one of their wonderful photographs!
10 Best (Female) Character Names
- Arwen, The Lord of the Rings – I am probably a little biased because it’s my name. Yes, my real name. The one on my drivers license and birth certificate, not just an online alter-ego. Bonus: since we are big LOTR fans our cats are named Frodo, Samwise, Pippin and Sauron.
by jackieocean on DeviantArt - Nazafareen, The Forth Element – I love this fantasy series by Kat Ross. It’s set in ancient Persian and the heroine is a warrior called a Water Dog.
by Italiener on DeviantArt - Katniss, The Hunger Games – I love the earthy name of the heroine and archer, Katniss. It just seem to fit. I also love her sister’s name Prim.
by flominowa on DeviantArt - Inej, Six of Crows – Inej is definitely my favorite Dreg. The balance of her skill and her vulnerability is really interesting to me. And I would not want to meet her in a dark alley… of course you probably wouldn’t even see her….
by taratjah on DeviantArt - Penny Farthing, Ticker – Her name makes me chuckle. What a great twist of a name for a steampunk novel. I’m sure some cosplayer out there uses this name too. (If you don’t know what a penny farthing is please Google it.)
by MariannaInsomnia on DeviantArt - Auri, The Slow Regard of Silent Things – Auri is so special I don’t even know how to describe her. If you haven’t read the book I highly recommend reading it. It’s a different sort of fantasy novel just the way Auri is a different kind of heroine.
by Lyraina on DeviantArt - Petra Arkanian, Ender’s Game – I’m a little biased because Petra is also one of my favorite bands from when I was a teen… who am I kidding I still love them. Petra is strong, smart and kind, which is surprising because kindness and battle school don’t really mesh.
by AdharaPhoenix on DeviantArt - Violet Baudelaire, A Series of Unfortunate Events – I’ve always liked the name Violet, it has both colorful and earthy connotations. Violet Baudelaire is a genius, and although her life is pretty rough she never gives up.
by Zakeno on DeviantArt - Yvaine, Stardust – Some how this is the perfect kind of name for a star. It sounds heavenly.
by arivanna on DeviantArt - Haramas, The Saga of the Trillium – Of all three sisters I like the name Haramas the best, although Kadiya and Anigel are interesting names too. Haramas becomes the high priestess/ sorceress and a guardian of ancient knowledge. Plus she’s a total bookworm!
by avvart on DeviantAr
I hope you enjoyed my list. What names would you add? Do you have any particular favorites among female characters? Please let me know in the comments.
2 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday #40: Best Female Character Names”
Violet and Arwen are beautiful names. Love the names for your cats too! 🙂 Thanks for visiting my post!
Love Katniss, Inej, and Yvaine!! Great list 🙂