January 29, 2019: Books I Meant to Read In 2018 but Didn’t Get To
Well, I got my posts for last week and this week mixed up, and posted the topics for the weeks flip-flopped.
As always, there are more books than I can fit into a year. So far this year I blame my lack of finishing book on the fact that my husband got me Stardew Valley for Christmas and I’m a total addict now. In 2018, I got a ton of great books, and I really meant to read more of them, but it just didn’t work out. So here are a handful of the ones I never got to.
Top Ten Books I Didn’t Get To In 2018:
- The Heart of Abshire House (Hadley Hill Book 2) – I’m about 60% of the way through this book, but just got bogged down. What sucks is my personal friend Tai Stith is the author. It just seems that these days cozy mysteries are not my thing, and I am so sorry Tai!
- The Maze Runner – Gosh this has been on my TBR forever! I actullay picked up a copy last year though. And although I picked up a copy, I haven’t picked up the book. Yet. 😉
- NeverSea: Echoes of the Lost – My husband got this for me for Christmas 2017. And it sounds awesome! The Little Mermaid meets Peter Pan, is absolutely up my alley. I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Sorry babe. 😗
- Warning Call: A Novel of the Black Pages – I got this one right after it came out because I loved the first book so much. But why haven’t I read it yet!?!
- Lady of Sherwood (Outlaws of Sherwood Book 1) – I was so excited when this book went on sale last year. I seen it all over the blog’ospeare and since I’m a sucker for Robin Hood retellings I grabbed it. But getting around to reading it, that’s another matter.
- Angst (Series) – After seeing my review of Clod Makes A Friend, author David Pedersen offered me an autographed set of his other fantasy books Angst. I have the set sitting nicely on my TBR shelf in a prominent spot. And David, I promise 2019 will be a year for Angst.
- Three Dark Crowns – I am so far behind in my popular fantasy series reading. I got Three Dark Crowns last year and it looks good and I’ve heard good things about it from other book bloggers I follow. Now to just carve out time to read it.
- Cress (The Lunar Chronicles Book 3) – I plan on reading this one pretty much right away. I’ve got 3 books queued up before it, but continuing the Lunar Chronicles is high on the list. Also I was kinda holding off just for a bit to see if Winter would come on sale sometime soon.
- The Keeper: A Brilliant Darkness Story – I read the first book The Scourge as part of the Shattered Worlds Read Along, and it had a really different premise and I was interested to see where the story goes.
A Darker Shade of Magic
– Everyone raves about this series. So when Tor.com had it for free of course I grabbed it. If you aren’t on the Tor list you should be, they offer great free downloads of books like this and other A-List books from time to time. I’m not an affiliate or anything, I just think you should sign up for the great books.
Well that does it for my list. Were there any books you left behind in 2018? Any books you plan on reading in 2019? Let me know in the comments.