Blogging Life

2022 “Support Book Bloggers” CHALLENGE Part 2

To help support and promote book bloggers further in 2022, the gals at Page Unbound are hosting a (very casual) “Support Book Bloggers” Challenge. The idea is simple: we will work together to read blog posts, share them, comment on them, and boost book bloggers in other ways.

Each month during the challenge I’m planning to do a spotlight on one book blogger. Check out last months post.

This month spotlight is on Falling Letters. Jenna is a former children’s librarian who shares my love of Middle Grade fiction and is a fellow Tolkien geek. She posts reviews, lists and bookshelf tours to her blog. She also participates in Wyrd and Wonder.

She’s also one of my favorite book bloggers to follow on Twitter @fallingletters!

Some links to explore:

If you have a book blog I’d love to check it out. Please leave me some links in the comments!

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