5 Word Reviews

5 Word Reviews: Newbery Edition (Part 1)

5 word reviews for the Newbery winners I’ve read up to 1960. More 5 word Newbery reviews coming soon.

5 Word reviews is my new blog feature. You can check out my other posts here.

One of my life goals is to read all the Newbery medal books. I keep a running list of them on my blog. Of course, this reading goal gets little further out every year as a new book is awarded the medal. But I keep telling myself that I could easily catch up in any one year, at the rate I read. I just have to make the effort to choose Newbery books.

This is my physical TBR of Newbery titles.

Physical TBR pile of Newbery titles.

Maybe once I’m done with my big Kindle Unlimited read I should dig back into this stack.

Below are 5 word reviews for the Newbery winners I’ve read up to 1960. I’ll do more in the next post.

1926: Shen of the Sea by Arthur Bowie Chrisman – Tea, fireworks and moral stories

1930: Hitty, Her First Hundred Years by Rachel Field – Inexplicable biography of a doll

1933: Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze by Elizabeth Lewis – Revolutionary China coming of age

1938: The White Stag by Kate Seredy – A really boring adventure story

1950: The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli – Moral is don’t be bratty

1953: Secret of the Andes by Ann Nolan Clark – Coming of age in Andes

1959: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare – Difficult to make Puritan friends

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