
2011 Overview & Book of the Year

I like books. I like lots of different kinds of books. And I think this years reading selection really shows the breath of my tastes. Just take the first five books; a star trek novel, 2 classic YA books, a fantasy/horror book, and a non-fiction philosophy book. This year was also the year of mind-bendingly-weird […]


Reading #FlashMob a Success!

60 people came to Albany’s Downtown Carnegie Library between 11am and noon on Feb 20th, Presidents Day, 2012 to celebrate their love of reading and support the historic library. Making the event dubbed a “reading #flashmob” a big success. Besides showing up to read event participants were encouraged to give a dollar to the library. The […]


Reading #FlashMob in Albany,OR

Feb. 20th from 11-noon at the Downtown Library 302 Ferry St SW Albany, Albany, Oregon Bring a book, bring a dollar; help save our library. Albany’s first reading flash mob will be Monday Feb 20th from 11-noon at the Downtown Library. All ages are invited. Getting involved is easy. Show up at the library between […]


Best Sites for Book Lovers Part 2

In my last post Best Sites for Book Lovers Part 1 I reviewed the site LibraryThing is an excellent home cataloging tools for your books, and offers lots of other features. Read my previous post to get the full scoop. Another great site that I use often is Good Reads. Good Reads calls themselves […]