My Goddaughter is now 5, and has started Kindergarten. We are able to read longer books now and she is even able to sound out some of the words herself. Looking back over the 5 Books for 4 Year Olds post I see some she still likes (The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?), and others that […]
#PoetryMonth Who’s Your Poet BFF? Quiz
I got Alfred Lord Tennyson. Although my favorite poet is Elizabeth Barrett Browning I’m sure that spending an evening with Tennyson would be interesting. Take the quiz below and let me know who your poet BFF turned out to be.
2014 Overview and Book of the Year
I feel that overall this was a pretty good year. I read a lot of books I liked, I read some I didn’t. I know my reading habits have been changing over the years, as I spend more time reading periodicals and articles and less time reading books. Thankfully I have the Pocket app which […]
I first brought up Pocket last year in my 2013 Overview and Book of the Year post. It’s a very useful app for saving articles and reading them later. In fact I enjoy the Pocket layout better than the original blog in many cases. I love that I can use it anywhere, and that it […]