Classic Remarks Redux Intro

Classic Remarks is a meme that is hosted by Pages Unbound which poses questions each Friday about classic literature and asks participants to engage in ongoing discussions surrounding not only themes in the novels but also questions about canon formation, the “timelessness” of literature, and modes of interpretation. April 16, 2021: What classic work do you love for […]
Classic Remarks is a meme that is hosted by Pages Unbound which poses questions each Friday about classic literature and asks participants to engage in ongoing discussions surrounding not only themes in the novels but also questions about canon formation, the “timelessness” of literature, and modes of interpretation. April 9:, 2021 Who is your favorite Austen heroine? Or […]
Classic Remarks is a meme that is hosted by Pages Unbound which poses questions each Friday about classic literature and asks participants to engage in ongoing discussions surrounding not only themes in the novels but also questions about canon formation, the “timelessness” of literature, and modes of interpretation. April 2, 2021: What are some poems you […]