Myth Taker Review

#MakeYourMythTaker The Journey Continues

Make Your Myth Taker Part 1: #MakeYourMythTaker Background Story Part 2: At the bottom of the Tide: Review Johanna woke in the dark. She could smell the salty sea water nearby, but she was amazingly untouched after the ship wrecked on the Siren’s rocks. She’d been thrown from the deck, and then??? A splash nearby, […]

ARC Review Myth Taker

Tide: Review

Tide by Lacy Sheridan Published March 6th 2020 541 pages Genres: Fantasy Action & Adventure Synopsis: Content Rating: YA romance (kissing but no sex), Action/adventure, Slavery and Physical abuse. When the tides roll in, death follows. That is what eighteen-year-old Hania has been told all her life. For the depths of the sea hide the […]

Myth Taker

#MakeYourMythTaker Background Story

Johanna Christina Stephalina Gerolf hated Charlemagne. She’d never met him, but she hated him. He had conquered her land and her people. He had subjugated them. Everyone knew the stories of the Romans, how they had come and forced taxes on the people. How they had exerted their control, but the Romans never tried to make […]

Myth Taker Reading

Make Your Myth Taker

In June I’ll be taking the #MakeYourMythTaker Readathon Challenge! Full details are in the video and here on Twitter.   The Basics • No previous participation in Myth-Take needed • Minimum of 4 books, ALL formats & genres allowed • No doubling up • Complete in order – you have free rein over additional reads […]