Take a look at my intro post to find out more about the Classic Remarks Redux series. As always, thanks to the ladies at Pages Unbound for the prompts and inspiration.
Sept. 30, 2016: What children’s classic couldn’t you read enough when you were growing up?
This one is easy.
By the 4th grade I had read every Nancy Drew Mystery Stories book my library had to offer. I loved the mystery stories that featured a bright, intelligent young woman as the protagonist She wasn’t afraid of danger and often got to travel to cool locations.
After finishing the series of Mystery Stories, 56 books, I moved on to the Nancy Drew Case Files. I didn’t enjoy those books nearly as much. Instead of finishing the Case Files I switched to reading the Hardy Boys, which have much more the same feel as the Nancy Drew books.

I have since found out that the books 1-34 my library hand were the revised editions. As an adult I’ve been trying to collect the original editions. The difference between the two are stark, but perhaps the subject for a future blog.
Finding the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories in my local library as a child has lead to a life long love, not just for the Girl detective, but also for reading.
One reply on “Classic Remarks Redux: #11”
Same, same! The other Nancy Drew series like the Case Files are just not the same! I have just started my Hardy Boys journey and recently finished book three. Hopefully, I’ll grow to love this series, as well!