ARC Review

Mythical Me: Review

Mythical Me: Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison
by Richella Parham
Publication Date : October 22nd 2019
Publish by: IVP Books
152 pages

Book Reviews - Loved It


Do you ever find yourself stuck in the comparison trap?

Speaker and author Richella Parham knows what this feels like. “I couldn’t break free from admiring one person’s achievements, someone else’s personality, another’s skills, yet another’s relationships. And don’t get me started on how I looked at other people’s appearances,” she writes. “I was haunted by the admirable attributes of other people, certain that I could never match their worthiness. No matter how well-intentioned the teaching or pithy the advice, I found that most of it didn’t help me change my thoughts, feelings, or actions.”

While there are no easy answers, Parham has identified cultural and spiritual myths about others, God, and ourselves that keep us trapped. From there the journey is a spiritual one. We can pick up practices that help us walk in the freedom of Christ with confidence in ourselves. If you’ve ever suffered from tortured moments of comparison on Facebook, in the office, or in the hallway at church, you’ll benefit from this fresh perspective.


  • I received this book from the publisher. This review is based on a complimentary pre-release copy.

Have you ever read a book you liked so much that you could hardly review it? That’s Mythical Me, in my mind.

This book came to me at just the right time in my life and it delivered just the right wisdom.

Insightful, inspirational, and raw Richella delivers her wisdom from a personal struggle with comparison. Her battle with it really struck a chord with me. Her gentle way of moving you through the struggles and into freedom leaves you feeling that it is achievable. It’s a book full of hope.

My copy is full of dog eared corners (which I do not normally do, but I couldn’t pause to find something to mark the page with.) I was engrossed, yet I couldn’t hurry. It felt like I need to take the book in breaths, hold it in, breath it out and then go back for more.

Bottom Line:

Buy this book, read it, share it. Have a study with some of your close friends. Suggest it to your women’s ministry and church library. This book is full of wisdom for today and it needs to be heard.

Goodreads / Amazon

“It turns out that insecurity is both the root of comparison and the fruit of comparison.

“I heard God’s voice speak to me. Simply and clearly, God said, “I made you to bless, not impress.””

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