ARC Review

Review: Mirain

By Jacob Reifsteck Pages: 592 Date Finished: April 15, 2017 It Was Okay I received this book free from Ravenswood Publishers. Synopsis: Princess Sofia, just recently turned old enough to have her own personal guards. The guards, Hector, an unproven, yet ambitious young knight and his sarcastic squire, Mark, sees this as an opportunity of a lifetime […]


2016 Overview and Book of the Year

Ok so major fail on the 2016 reviews, it July 2017 and I am just now finishing them up. I didn’t even manage to read 35 books last year, but well it was an awful year. The good news is that I read a lot of things I really loved. Read all of my 2016 […]

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #31

July 11, 2017 Topic: Top Ten Books I’d Want On A Deserted Island! The gals over at the Broke and the Bookish are taking the summer off, but I figured I would use the time to post on a TTT topic I haven’t done yet. Besides, who hasn’t thought about the books they’d want on a deserted  island? […]

Monthly Updates

June Wrap Up and July Goals

What is it? Two different link ups one at Writes like a Girl called Small Goals, and another one at Stay Gold Autumn. My Rating System: Forgot to do it most days. Somewhat met this goal (did at least 1/2 of the days.) Mostly met this goal (did at least 2/3 of the days.) Accomplished this goal. June Goals […]