
September 2016 Book Pick-Ups

Dutch Barbie and Scottish Barbie seem to be settled into their new home. Hmmmm… what a month September has been. We’ve been moving out to my grandparents farm, so that we can be around to help them out more. You certainly become aware of how many books you have when you move. For Kindle: Blood […]


July/Aug 2016 Book Pick-ups

So July was busy, with a trip to New Mexico for a music department reunion, but it pale in comparison to August which was plain crazy. We had some family stuff that came up and took about 90% of my time and energy. That situation is still unfolding, so if I don’t blog as often as […]


#ReadABookDay and other Book’ish Holidays to remember

September 6th is National Read A Book Day. It’s hard to keep up with all the different book’ish holiday’s. I did not know about this one, but luckily I have some author friends who posted about it on Facebook. Since there are so many day to celebrate books and reading I thought I’d create a list […]

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #12

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010. August 23: Ten Books That Have Been On My Shelf (Or TBR) From Before I Started Blogging That I STILL Haven’t Read Yet… Well seeing as how I started tracking and reviewing the books I read on MySpace in 2006, […]