
Tales of the Not Forgotten: Review

Tales of the Not ForgottenTales of the Not Forgotten
by Beth Guckenberger
208 pages
Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Middle Grade
Release date: May 1st 2012

LoBook Reviews - Loved Itved It


Follow these real-life stories as they take you on a journey to faraway lands and unknown faces. Travel through their challenges and see the hand of the great Storyweaver writing endings you’d never imagine!

Joel dares to ask for what he can’t have. Seraphina sacrifices what she can’t afford to give. Ibrahim looks for an answer buried out of reach. Christiana, saved by a mission, searches for her own.

These are the tales of the ones the world doesn’t see . . . the tales of the not forgotten.

In this collection of four real-life stories written for preteens, a compelling storyteller paints a picture of God’s dynamic movement in four foreign cultures, inspiring children to trust that God is weaving a story in their lives as well.

This resource will shrink the macro picture down to approachable, individual stories of real children and teach about fundamental survival issues. The stories address some of the challenging questions that kids have and weave God’s promises to orphans into each one.


This book was assigned reading for one month of my course at KidMin academy, but I wanted to review it here because it was just such a great book. In fact I have only had it since April and already I’ve read it, my mother read it and my Grandmother read it twice.

It’s a very easy read and we all practically sat down and read it in one sitting. Besides that you’ll be sucked into the stories and WANT to finish them.

The stories are engaging, engrossing and well written. Although they tell of hardships and struggles they will just charm your socks off. I fell in love with Joel in the first story (also it got me kinda teary eyed.)  I was heartbroken for Seraphina. I was charmed by Ibrahim.  I was encouraged by Christiana.

These four stories are filled with such hope and faith and love that they are bound to both encourage and challenge you.

Bottom Line:

This book is part of the storyweavers series and I can understand why it’s called that. The stories are artfully crafted and a real treat to read. I highly recommend this book.

Goodreads / Amazon

6 replies on “Tales of the Not Forgotten: Review”

I did not know about this author either, until we got the book for our coursework. But it was fully enjoyable. Thanks for stopping by!

This sounds like a really positive and inspirational read! I always love to read personal real life stories. Each one sounds like it’s full of hope & encouragement and I love a book that you can pass around your family too. Lovely review Arwen <3 xx

Bexa |

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