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Tolkien Reading Day 2020

Every year on March 25, the anniversary of the Downfall of Sauron, the Tolkien Society hosts Tolkien Reading Day. This year’s theme is Nature and Industry. The primary goal is to promote the reading of the works of J.R R. Tolkien!

I have a guest post up over on Pages Unbound, and I hope you’ll check out the tour of my Tolkien shelf there. I mentioned a few extras on that post and as a special Tolkien Reading Post I’m going to share that miscellany with you here.


These awesome glass goblets were Burger King exclusives when the Fellowship of the Rings movie was released. Normally you think of fast food giveaways as being cheap throwaways, but these are not. They are well made, hefty glass goblets with a fair amount of detail and detachable light-up bases (not shown.)


Frodo Goblet in Box

Frodo Goblet


Gandalf Goblet in box

Gandalf Goblet


Aragorn Goblet boxed

Aragorn Goblet


Arwen Goblet boxed

Arwen Goblet


I know this is really why all of you are here. ⚔ My father bought both(for my husband) and the Elven sword (for me since there is really no sword of Arwen according to the books) for us as wedding gifts.

Andúril Closeup

Andúril: The Sword of Aragorn

LOTR Elven sword

BONUS: The sword of McGilvra. We had the blade engraved for our wedding. Not LOTR themed, but since our 17 anniversary is coming up soon and I was talking about swords anyway I thought I’d throw it in.
The sword of McGilvra

A photo from our Scottish themed wedding.

Our Wedding


I am a big fan of soundtracks and own a whole stack of them, so of course I have the LOTR sound tracks. All of the sound tracks are currently available to listen to through Amazon Prime. (Note the pictures of my CD collection looked awful 😟 so I’ll just link to where you can listen instead. 😀)

Do you have any cool LOTR or Tolkien collections? Let me know in the comment and don’t forget to check out my post over on Pages Unbound.

One reply on “Tolkien Reading Day 2020”

What a great photo from your wedding! I used to dream of buying Arwen’s sword from the movies when I was a kid. It’s beautifully designed. As for my own collections – I have a lot of books, but only a few non-book items. One piece I consider part of my Tolkien collection is an earthy handmade mug that I bought while travelling New Zealand. It is my ‘Middle-Earth’ souvenir! 😛

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