Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #1

toptentuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010.

I’m going to attempt to do that top ten Tues, but it probably won’t be every Tues as I am too busy to commit to that at this point.

May 31: Beach Reads Week

For this list I am choosing books on my TBR shelf that I would personally choose to take with me to the beach. Although I must confess my preference for beach entertainment is actually coloring books. Even before adult coloring books were a fad I was taking along my coloring materials whenever we spent time at the coast. Sitting and listening to the waves and breathing the clear coastal air while coloring is one of the most relaxing things ever.

10. Making Money by Terry Prachett – A lighthearted read is perfect for the beach.

9. Timeline by Michael Crichton – I immediately thought of Michael Crichton for this list, but I am running out of books of his that I haven’t read. In fact I only have three others on the TBR shelves “A Case of Need,” “The Great Train Robbery” and “Five Patients.”

8. American Gods by Neil Gaiman – Gaiman usually sucks you in and doesn’t let go. His books are perfect for a beach binge.

7. Unwind by Neal Shusterman – A book I’ve been meaning to read for a while. A YA dystopian thriller; right up my alley.

6. The Lord of Chaos by Elizabeth H. Boyer – Whenever I’m in the need of a quick fantasy read I turn to books by Elizabeth Boyer. (Unfortunately I’m running out of titles.) You could defiantly finish most of her books during a weekend getaway.

5. Octopussy (or another James Bond book) by Ian Fleming – My sister collect the whole set of Ian Fleming James Bond books for us. The beach seems like the perfect place to read James Bond because of his many trips to exotic locations (often to Jamaica.)

4. Gods & Kings by Lynn Austin – I picked up this Biblical retelling at a Thrift store. It seems like the sort of historical intrigue that would interest me, and be light enough reading for a coastal retreat.

3. In a Treacherous Court by Michelle Diener – I am a Queen Anne Boleyn historical impersonator, so of course all things Tudor are interesting to me. It seems like a quick read, just what you need for the beach.

2. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare – I’ve been wanting to check out the Mortal Instruments series for a while. A day at the beach would be a good time to start.

  1. Through the Shadows by Karen Barnett – This is the next book I am going to read anyway. My friend Karen not only wrote it but her publisher was kind enough to send me a free copy.

2 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday #1”

I really enjoyed the Mortal Instruments books so I hope you do as well. I’ve heard so many good things about Neil Gaiman and Elizabeth Boyer that I need to check them out everyone must love them for a reason right 😉

Oh especially Neil Gaiman, he is really good. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Reading!

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