Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #10

toptentuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010.

August 2: Ten Books You’d Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card

Ohhh man! I recent did a wishlist post, but you know there are so many books out there, that I don’t see why I shouldn’t do another. This time I’m going to restrict it to books to finish or continue a series (particulallry kids books.)

  1. Landon Snow and the Auctor’s Riddle (Landon Snow, Book 1) – I bought the rest of the series for .99 cents/ea. But somehow they didn’t have the first book. So this one gets top billing.
  2. berenstainbearsThe Berenstain Bears Under the Sea – Limiting myself to 3 Berenstain Bears books here, since this could just be a list of their books, cause Little Bug has been on a huge Berenstain Bears kick the last 6 months or so. Little Bug is really into ocean creatures and everything under the sea, so the combo of the two would be great.
  3. The Berenstain Bears’ Dinosaur Dig – Ditto for the combo on this one, beside ocean creatures what does she love? Dinosaurs!
  4. The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room – This one is my pick, because it’s a morality tale that, well every 5 or 6 year old needs. 😉
  5. Bad Kitty Does Not Like Candy – But we love Bad Kitty. I have actually pre-order Bad Kitty does not like video games, which will come out this fall because we are big on video games here, with 36 different systems to play them on. (Yes your read that right we have 36 different video game systems and about 2,000 games ranging from retro to modern at our house.)
  6. Tomatoes Grow on a Vine (How Fruits and Vegetables Grow) – If you want to teach your kids how our foods grow this is the best series I’ve seen. We have lettuce, carrots and apples. Tomatoes would be up next.
  7. Hem2A Fairy-Tale Fall (Disney Princess) (Step into Reading) – Two things I love Disney Princesses and Step Into Reading books. We have the Disney Princesses Winter Wishes, so a fall book seems like a good idea. I wonder if they have one for spring and summer too…?
  8. A Dozen Fairy Dresses (Disney Fairies) (Step into Reading) – Most of the Disney Princess Step Into Reading books are level 1 or 2, the Disney Fairy ones are higher levels and make for good bedtime reading. She was really into the Great Fairy Race for a while. Since we have a lot of women who sew in the family a book about a seamstress fairy is just cool.
  9. Hurray for Today!: All About Holidays (Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library) – I wish I could have ALL the Cat in the Hat learning library books, but you know pacing yourself… so one at a time. Holidays sounds like a good book as we head into fall.
  10. Ming Ling (Serendipity Series) – I LOOOOVE the Serendipity books, and have ever since I was a child. It’s fun to collect them as an adult and see Little Bug love them too. I also LOOOOVE panda’s and when I found out that they had a panda one it was a “I want that! I need that!” moment. Lol! 😀

6 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday #10”

My daughter loved the princess and fairy series growing up and I WISH we had found Bad Kitty, I’m sure she’d love it. Especially since we have four black cats.

Nice list, now I feel all selfish that I didn’t include books for my own daughter on mine lol

I did a wishlist post a little while ago, so I felt this time I’d go in a different direction. Besides kids books can be expensive and I’m a total series collector, so working in books in a series seemed like a good idea. Thanks for checking out my blog!

Oh these are so cute! I haven’t really looked or took time to remember my old kids books in a while. I really need to start though as all my friends kids are hitting two soon so it’s getting closer to being able to buy non-board books lol

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