Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #11

Books Everyone Else Has ReadtoptentuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010.

August 9: Top Ten Tuesday REWIND — go back and do a topic you missed over the years or recently or a topic you really want to revisit — I’ve made a handy spreadsheet to help (currently in the process of finishing it)

Since I only recently started doing the Top Ten Tuesday on my blog I had plenty of topics to pick from… maybe too many! The books I’d take on a desert island almost made the cut but I decided to go with…

Top Ten Five Books I Feel As Though Everyone Has Read But Me

  1. Harry Potter – Series – Why I Haven’t Read It: Lots of reasons… that I know die hard Potter fans won’t accept. Part of it is because of the example I think Harry Potter and his friends set for kids (not a good one, even my sister who loves the books agrees, that the kids get away with a lot that they shouldn’t), and the bad example of the adults in the books (rule breaking seems to be the norm) part it is because of the more occultist magic portrayal (vs a more fantastical fantasy magic.) Plus the simplistic writing just kind of turns me off of the series.
  2. Jane Eyre – Why I Haven’t Read It: It’s been on my TBR for just about forever. There just always seems to be something more interesting sounding to read.
  3. A Game of Thrones – Series – Why I Haven’t Read It: I can’t get my hands on it! I’m not sure that I’d like it enough to buy the series, but something comes up every time I have it on hold from the library and I never end up with the first book.
  4. Brave New World – Why I Haven’t Read It: I haven’t had the chance. I’d read it if I got my hands on a copy. Ok, again I don’t want to buy it NEW if I’m not sure if I’ll like it, but if I found it for .99 cents at a thrift store, sure I’d get it.
  5. To Kill a Mockingbird – Why I Haven’t Read It: I’m just not interested.

Bonus: Twilight – I really only know a few people who’ve read the whole series, but there is nothing about the books that make me interested in them.

Also today is national book lovers day, so to celebrate here is my favorite bookish music video parody.  ‪#‎NationalBookLoversDay‬ ‪#‎BookLoversDay‬

6 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday #11”

I didn’t like Twilight. And if I wasn’t such a trend follower I wouldn’t have read it.
And I would never have read To Kill a Mockingbird had it not been required reading for school. I know it’s many people’s favourite book but I’m just not that person. Great list!

To Kill A Mocking Bird seems like a book that people either love or were forced to read. It just doesn’t seem like my cup of tea, and at this point I’m afraid it would just bog down my reading.

I keep trying to get Game of Thrones from the library, and something seems to come up whenever I’ve got it on hold. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Thank you! I’m glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t read these book, esp the Harry Potter ones. I still maintain that it’s possible to be a fan of fantasy and not be interested in anything Hogwarts. Thank you for checking out my blog.

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