Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #17


toptentuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010.

November 8: Ten Books I’ve Added To My To-Be-Read List Lately (inspired by my New to the Queue posts)

Since I’ve started blogging more regularlly I’ve added A LOT of books to my To-Be-Read or TBR shelf. I’ve been trying to keep track of them on Goodreads on a special shelf. This list is going to be of books I added to the list in 2016 that I am really looking forward to reading.

Top 10 TBR Books

  1. The Lost Eye of the Serpent – Back in August I participated in a Book Blitz for this book. I’m totally down for a female Sherlock Holmes twist.
  2. A Madness So Discreet – If the cover isn’t enough for you this madness/mystery/crime fighting story seems to have plenty more to offer.
  3. Winterspell – A re-telling of the Nutcracker as a dark late Victorian fairy tale sounds like a good winter’s day read.
  4. Tarnish and Brazen – I am a Queen Anne Boleyn Historical Impersonator, so these Tudor era novels are right up my alley.
  5. The Queen’s Poisoner – I keep hearing about this one on blog after blog. I think I got it as a Kindle First selection, so now it’s just sitting there waiting for me to have the time to read it. More of a historic book than a fantasy story, it keeps being compared to Richard III.
  6. Ticker – Steampunk Frankenstein, yeah I’ll read that.  Although it’s got crazy mixed reviews, with people who either love it or hate it and pretty much nothing inbetween.
  7. Air Awakens – This first line of the description was enough to capture my attention, “A library apprentice, a sorcerer prince, and an unbreakable magic bond…”
  8. The Invisible Library – A sci-fi fantasy about alternate realities and libraries with secret societies well that sounds interesting.
  9. Everything, Everything – This books keeps popping up EVERYWHERE, with so many people raving about it. I’m not normally a drama/ teen love story type, but I found it on Kindle for only $1.99, so I’ll give it a shot.
  10. Room – This one is a little different for me as I’m not big on suspence books, though I occasionally will read a older Mary Higgins Clark novel. This one just sounds so intriguing.

What have you added to your TBR lately?

4 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday #17”

I have Tarnish, Brazen and the other book by the author Gilt all on my tbr. I can never resist a Tudor novel on Henry’s wives and courtiers! I haven’t read any of these books yet but I do look forward to them.

Room would certainly need to be read when I’m in a good mood for it, otherwise I think you might be right. Thanks for stopping by.

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