Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #50: Books I Love that need more love on Goodreads

Ten Books That Need More LoveFebruary 19, 2019: Books I LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads

I did a similar topic for Top Ten Tuesday back in Top Ten Tuesday #6. So I’m going to pick a list of ten books that didn’t make that first list. In fact, I narrowed down my list even more to books with under 100 ratings on Goodreads.

Ten Books That Need More Love:

  1. You Wouldn’t Believe Me If I Told You – A personal friend of mine wrote this pseudo-memoir/ autobiography of her mother, and wow, it’s powerful.
  2. Rags and Ruins– A fantastic read! A fantasy book that turns troupes on their heads. Read my review.
  3. The Last Treasure of Ancient England – I know that the phase of boarding school stories may be past, but this one is worth a read for it’s inventive “treasure”. Read my review.
  4. Era of Undying – I just recently read this story and again it’s the fact that it’s so inventive that makes it worthy of a read. It’s a little bit like Avatar the Last Airbender meets Torchwood Miracle Day with hints of Greek mythology thrown in. Read my review.
  5. Clod Makes a Friend – I know I’ve raved and raved and raved about this book. That’s because it really is that GOOD. If you want a great middle grade read pick up Clod Makes A Friend because it will not disappoint.
  6. 99 Days – I still need to write a review of this one. But it was definitely the book of the year for 2017. A very interesting fantasy book that asked deep questions about what a life is worth.
  7. The Waterfall Traveler – A great fantasy book that I remember I couldn’t put down. The only reason it wasn’t five-stars was because of a unnecessary love triangle. Read my review.
  8. Empty Threat – An absolute book lovers treat. If you’ve ever wondered if you could go into the story and change it, this book is for you.
  9. Richard’s Story – Part of the Shattered Worlds boxed set this is the story of how the modern world ended and what lead to the creation of a dystopian. A side of the stories we don’t normally get.
  10. Lettuce Grows on the Ground – This whole series of kids books it totally worth having in your library. Each book is colorful and leads wonderfully to discovering where our food comes from.

What’s a book you love than has less than 100 ratings on Goodreads? I’d love to know, so leave me a comment below.

9 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday #50: Books I Love that need more love on Goodreads”

Yes! All of these had under 100 ratings at the time I put the list together. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Thanks for taking the time to comment. My friends book really blew me away, I couldn’t believe what all her mother had been through.

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