Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday #8

Books Set Outside US

toptentuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010.

July 19: Ten Books Set Outside The US

I’m going to restrict this list to books set in the real world. I could list 100 books set in fantasy of sci-fi worlds, but that seems too easy. Also I’m listing them from the most recently read, and I’ll stop when I hit ten. It will be interesting to see how far back I need to go to reach that number.

These books took me back to June 2013. I skipped over a couple of fantasies that were set in alternative versions of England (although you could argue that Artful falls into that category. But since its based on Oliver twist, I’m going to let it slide.)

4 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday #8”

Thank for stopping by my blog. I loved Number the Stars, I like the quiet heroism of the Danes during WWII.

Stephen R Lawhead is my favorite author. I didn’t list several of his books because the “Worlds” they are set in are much more fantastical than real. But Avalon has a feeling ,like this really could happen in a modern day Great Britain.

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