Are you looking for a great last minute Valentine for your significant other? I’ve got a gem for you. Especially if your significant other has taken up stress relief and wellness hobbies during the pandemic, “A Guided Meditation For Beginners” by David Ploof available on Amazon is the perfect gift. It contains a 45 page meditation that is sure to relax and rejuvenate.
Just kidding. This book is hilarious! It is exactly what it claims to be a guided meditation, but in the most basic of forms.
Pg 5 Inhale.
Pg 6 Exhale.
Pg 7 Inhale.
Pg 8 Exhale.
And so on and so forth.
Curious about meditation? This book teaches just how simple it can be to unlock this powerful tool into your life.This book contains one page of introduction, followed by 40 pages which simply say “Inhale.” “Exhale.”Is this book serious or a joke? Yes. If the existence of this book causes someone to laugh, it will have fulfilled its purpose by bringing about a moment of genuine presence and joy. It is also available as a serious tool for meditation by giving the reader a non-screen, physical object with which to focus their attention and fully dial into a deep meditative practice.
My husband gave me a copy of it for my last birthday and I laughed for 2 days straight.
This genius take on wellness books is a great gag gift, but it is a real book with an ISBN, a barcode and copyright.
Your valentine will thank you for your thoughtfulness and hopefully laugh along with you at the absurdity of the book. Just make sure to read the whole thing because there are some Easter eggs. 🤣