May is Wyrd and Wonder. The annual geek-out of like-minded adventurers as we celebrate the fantastic on our blogs and social media feeds through May.
I saw this post over on A Dance With Books and thought it would be perfect for my third Wyrd and Wonder post.
- Mention the creator ( one’s peculiar )
- Answer the questions
- Tag as many people as you like

1 – The Lost Princess – A book/series you lost interest in halfway through.
The Air Awakens. Too much romance and interpersonal-drama and too little use of the elemental magic system. I have the box set on my Kindle but only made it through the first two books.
2 – The Knight in Shining Armour – A hyped book/series you were swept up by.

Ms. Marvel Volume 1: No Normal. It took me a while to get to it because I wanted to check it out from the library. It did not disappoint! I know Ms Marvel/ Kamala Khan has been in the news recently because of MCU stuff. But the graphic novel was really a great step in the right direction for diversity at Marvel. If you haven’t read it you should.
3 – The Wise Old Wizard – An author who amazes you with his/her writing.
Kat Ross! I shout about how wonderful her books are all the time on my blog. In fact, I’m doing a re-read of the Forth Element series right now. (I’m sick and wanted a comfort re-read.) Her world building is excellent and her characters are always rich.
4 – The Maiden in Distress – An undervalued character you wished had a bigger storyline.

As I mentioned in my review of Light of the Jedi, I’d like to see more of the backstory of Jedi Porter Engle. A retired Jedi who was once a great Master. His nickname was the Blade Bardotta and apparently his fighting skill was legendary. However when we meet him in Light of the Jedi he has given up fighting and is a cook for one of the Jedi outposts. I was so intrigued by this character and I hope they give him a standalone novel in the High Republic series.
5 – The Magical Sword – A magical item/ability you wish authors used less.
I hate it when authors write themselves in a story. When they makes themselves the literal Deus Ex Machina. Yes, I am giving the side-eye here to Stephen King and the Dark Tower.
6 – The Mindless Villain – A phrase you cannot help but roll your eyes at.
Not a phrase so much as anytime there is a love triangle, especially where two handsome men cannot seem to help but both fall in love with the special-chosen-one girl. 🙄 And then of course they have to work together to help her save the kingdom or some such thing but at the same time are fighting for her attention/affection. 🤮
7 – The Untamed Dragon – A magical creature you wish you had as a pet.
My first thought was I want a Gurgi, but Gurgi is a friend not a pet.

So if it can’t be Gurgi, can I have Princess Eilonwy’s bauble? A floating, glowing bauble could come in handy.

8 – The Chosen One – A book/series you will always root for.
If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time you know that the answer has to be Clod Makes A Friend. I mean it’s about finding you’re true purpose, standing up to bullies and a cake that saves lives. What more do you want out of a Middle Grade fantasy? 😉
That was really fun. If you choose to do this tag too please leave me a link so I can check out your answers.