Blogging Life

2022 “Support Book Bloggers” CHALLENGE Part 5

To help support and promote book bloggers further in 2022, the gals at Page Unbound are hosting a (very casual) “Support Book Bloggers” Challenge. The idea is simple: we will work together to read blog posts, share them, comment on them, and boost book bloggers in other ways.

Each month during the challenge I’m planning to do a spotlight on one book blogger. Check out last months post.

This month I am featuring the wonderful Bianca of Your Words My Ink. On Twitter as @yourwordsmyink. Another fan of fantasy and science fiction. And a fellow fan of Andrew Garfield. 😂 Bianca does such a great job with the photos on her posts. Her aesthetic makes me almost jealous.

Some links to explore:

Please check out Bianca’s blog and then come find us both on Twitter (I’m @thetechchef) I love to discover new book bloggers so I hope you’ll leave me a link to your blog.

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