40 Series

40 Children’s Picture Books I Love

Once when our goddaughter was 4, I told her that I had to go to work, to which she asked “Why?” I answered her “Cause I’m a grown-up and I have to.” With a full-bellied laugh she said, “You’re not a grown-up!”

Well, when it comes to books I certainly enjoy reading more than just adult books. Children’s book still have a special magic for me. Even as the now 9-year-old goddaughter is transitioning to mostly reading chapter books I continue to enjoy reading picture books and still request them from the LibraryThing early reviewers group. In fact, that’s where a lot of these books came from. I have quite a lot of good discoveries that way.

Again I’m going to try not to repeat too many entries from my other “40 Lists.” But you can check them out here. And I am leaving out Children’s series, those might get put on another list.

40 Children’s Picture Books I Love

  1. Miss Brooks Love Books (and I don’t)
  2. I Will Not Read This Book
  3. How to Code A Sandcastle
  4. Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War
  5. Grandpa’s Top Threes
  6. Invisible Lizard
  7. Sixteen Cows
  8. John Deere, That’s Who!
  9. Christmas Farm
  10. Phone Call with a Fish
  11. What Was I Scared Of?
  12. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
  13. The Gruffalo
  14. The Pink Umbrella
  15. Mud Soup
  16. Barn Storm
  17. The Potty Book for Girls
  18. Elmer
  19. The Blue Jackal
  20. A Morning With Grandpa
  21. The Shy Little Kitten
  22. The Poky Little Puppy
  23. Wake Up, Sun!
  24. Corduroy
  25. Make Way for Ducklings
  26. Llama Llama Red Pajama
  27. Olivia
  28. If You Give A Pig A Pancake
  29. The Little Engine That Could
  30. Katy The Snowplow
  31. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
  32. Put Me in the Zoo
  33. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
  34. The Tale of Three Trees
  35. Stone Soup
  36. Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
  37. The Giving Tree
  38. The Butter Battle Book
  39. Brave As a Bunny Can Be
  40. The Mitten String

That’s my list, but really it could have been twice as long. Picking ONLY forty was pretty difficult. The field of pictures books is rich. I’d love to know if you have a favorite that I missed.

3 replies on “40 Children’s Picture Books I Love”

Thanks for checking out my blog. We love Put Me in the Zoo and were able to pick up a Spot doll from Kohl’s Cares and she still loves to snuggle with him.

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