5 Word Reviews Kat Ross

5 Word Reviews: Kat Ross

Thanks to Wyrd and Wonder I found the 5 Word review tag. I enjoyed doing it so much that I wanted to expand it to a regular feature.

Thanks to Wyrd and Wonder and fellow blogger Imyril I found the 5 Word review tag. I enjoyed doing it so much that I wanted to expand it to a regular feature.

Since I just finish a re-read of the Forth Element trilogy by Kat Ross, and because I just can’t help but shout about her amazing books ALL-THE-TIME, I decided to start with 5 word reviews of all the books I’ve read by her. (Which is quite a lot of books.) Where I’ve written a full review for the book I’ll put a link. That way if it wets your appetite you can read more about the book.

The Fourth Element Series:

The Fourth Talisman Series:

  • Nocturne – A new world to explore
  • Solis – Fantastic mature character development
  • Monstrum – Things are not working out
  • Nemesis – A crescendo in the series
  • Inferno – How you end a series!

Gaslamp Gothic

Lingua Magika

  • A Feast of Phantoms – Chef’s kiss perfection, Weird Western
  • All Down But Nine – Always keeping the tension high


  • City of Storms – Tattoos instead of self-control

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