May is Wyrd and Wonder. The annual geek-out of like-minded adventurers as we celebrate the fantastic on our blogs and social media feeds through May.
Imyril posted this tag and I just love the idea. I’m going to go back and write 5 word reviews for some of great fantasy books (but it it piques your curiosity I’ll link to my review too.)
Tag Rules:
- Choose 5 books that you awarded 5 stars
- Pick 5 words to describe (why you love) each book
- No explanations, no context! …so some of the words may make no sense if you haven’t read the book yet
(This tag was created by Matthew Sciarappa on YouTube)

Somehow lyrical, beautiful, satirical, biting
2. Roar
Cover design sells this book
3. Inferno
How to finish a series
Cakes saves lives, bullies bad
GPoV (Goblin Point of View)