
7.5 Best Fantastic Four Covers to Celebrate Marvel’s 75th Anniversary

Marvel comics is turning 75 this year. I am a Marvel girl and started my collection when I was a pre-teen. So to celebrate their 75th anniversary I am sharing my favorite 7.5 covers of my favorite series The Fantastic Four below. Warning Contains Spoilers! 7 I admit it there is a certain generation on […]


The Cave

The recent suicide death of Robin Williams and the social media and blog storm following it has made me think about my own struggles with suicidal thoughts as a teenager.  I wrote another post on that here: Suicide in the Age of Social Media This poem is an honest picture of what it feels like […]


The Circle Maker : Part 1

NOTE : I’m not going to spend much time describing the general idea of the text, for that you can go here to Amazon The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears or to their own site here. This book has gotten a lot of coverage and I highly recommend this review […]



©Arwen LeQuieu Once my life was shattered glass and dust There was smoke in the skies My pride, a million pieces at my feet And I wept aloud as I wandered The tattered pieces of my past clinging round my body Scars and scabs crisscrossing the heart New blood and old blood dried where there […]