
What’s Waiting For Me

I have 2 To-Read Shelves. One is specifically for YA titles, the other is, well, everything else. You can see them in the pictures on the right. They are basically overflowing right now. It’s hard for me to turn down cheap titles, and darn that St Vinnie’s and their 1/2 price book sales, oh and […]

Children's Books

5 Books for 2 year olds

For the last nine months I’ve been watching my 2 year old goddaughter while her mother works. Little bug, as I call her, and I have lots of adventures together. Our favorite spots are the library and church. When we come home from the library we sit and read the new books we’ve checked out. […]


Mistaken Launch

I am not really the “new book” kind of person. Usually I am patient enough to wait to check it out from the library or adopt it in the wild at a garage sale or thrift store. (Just this week I bought Catching Fire and Mockingjay for 25 cents each at a thrift store.) If […]


Wasting Time

Little grains fall through my fingers tips The ground is hard, there won’t be a harvest. There is rust on the till. ©Arwen LeQuieu 2013