5 Word Reviews

5 Word Reviews: Diverse Picture Books

I’ve been making a point to read more diverse picture books this year. And have read quite a few very lovely ones which I will give 5 word reviews of below.

5 Word Reviews

5 Word Reviews: Newbery Edition (Part 2)

More 5 word reviews for Newbery winning books. Including Island of the Blue Dolphins and A Wrinkle in Time.

5 Word Reviews

5 Word Reviews: Newbery Edition (Part 1)

5 word reviews for the Newbery winners I’ve read up to 1960. More 5 word Newbery reviews coming soon.

5 Word Reviews Kat Ross

5 Word Reviews: Kat Ross

Thanks to Wyrd and Wonder I found the 5 Word review tag. I enjoyed doing it so much that I wanted to expand it to a regular feature.