
July/Aug 2016 Book Pick-ups

July/Aug Pick-UpsThe Deliberate ReaderSo July was busy, with a trip to New Mexico for a music department reunion, but it pale in comparison to August which was plain crazy. We had some family stuff that came up and took about 90% of my time and energy. That situation is still unfolding, so if I don’t blog as often as I had previously it’s because we are still working out a changing family situation. Buuuut on the up side I did end up with a lot of great kids books in the last couple of month.

For Kindle:

Why I got it: The Kindle First book for July. The picking haven’t really been up my alley for a while, but I guess if I need a mystery I have one more waiting on my Kindle.

Black Rain
Why I got it: The Kindle First book for August. August was frankly a blur and I don’t remember why I picked this.


Space Dictionary for Kids: The Everything Guide for Kids Who Love Space
Why I got it: An Early Reviewer Book from LibraryThingMy husband likes watching astronomy videos on YouTube and is always trying to get Little Bug interested in space. While dinosaurs and ocean life are still her favorites she has been more interested in planets lately, and this dictionary looked very cool.

Prince Noah and the School Pirates
Why I got it: An Early Reviewer Book from LibraryThingI got this book to add to the summer reading for little Bug. It’s a little long for her, but it’s possible that now that she’s a 1st-Grader her tolerance for longer books will probably get better. (And it’s not really the length so much as it is the amount of words on each page vs. the action/interest of the pictures on the page.)


Elemental Secrets
Why I got it: I’m doing a Book Tour with Xpresso Book Tours on Oct 20th for Elemental Secrets.

The Midnight Sea(The Fourth Element, #1)
Blood of the Prophet (The Fourth Element #2)
Why I got it: I’m doing a Book Tour with Xpresso Book Tours on Sept 21st for the two Forth Elements books. **Review SPOILER: I LOVED THEM!


Flutterby Fly
Why I got it: Thrift store Serendepity book will be a yes every time. I love the Stephen Cosgrove, Robin James combination. These books are brilliant!

Hotel Deep: Light Verse from Dark Water
Why I got it: The author/illustrator of this book was at the Oregon State Fair. The Little Bug likes everything ocean themed so I picked this one up for her. (Signed Copy)

Sixteen Cows
Why I got it: The author/illustrator above also illustrated this book, a very cute cowboy/cowgirl story in light rhyme. (Signed Copy)

Curious George Around Town (6 Volume Set)
Why I got it: This set was deeply discounted for Amazon Prime day, It ended up being a little over $1/book. We love Curious George and didn’t have any of the books in this set so WIN!

Apples Grow on a Tree (How Fruits and Vegetables Grow)
Why I got it: Amazon’s big Prime day sale include 20% off of one book. This series is absolutely excellent and I’ve been trying to collect all of the books, but since they are a little expensive I used the sale as an excuse to get one. If you have kids and want to teach them how their food grows get this series!

2 replies on “July/Aug 2016 Book Pick-ups”

The space dictionary looks cool! My son isn’t into much non-fiction at all right now, but I keep trying. Stories about famous people have been the best so far.

I know you commented on my Opinionated Book Lover post, but I think my Mom’s Radius blog is more relevant for your audience on this page. I write about kids book on that blog. Op Book Lover covers YA and Adult books. 🙂

Thanks for sharing. I know this post is full of kids books, but I also read a lot of YA and adult too. In fact you might call our book collection eclectic. We have a little bit of everything. I visited your Mom’s Radius blog and even entered the Storybook Knight contest. I’ll keep both blogs on my radar.

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