
September 2016 Book Pick-Ups

Dutch Barbie and Scottish Barbie seem to be settled into their new home.

Dutch Barbie and Scottish Barbie seem to be settled into their new home.

The Deliberate ReaderHmmmm… what a month September has been. We’ve been moving out to my grandparents farm, so that we can be around to help them out more. You certainly become aware of how many books you have when you move.

For Kindle:

Blood on the Tracks (Sydney Rose Parnell Series Book 1)
Why I got it: The Kindle First selection for the month.

Inherited Danger (The Dawning of Power trilogy Book 2) and Dragon Ore (The Dawning of Power trilogy Book 3)
Why I got it: September 7th was buy a book day. (See my list of Book’ish Holidays to remember.) I really liked the first book in this series and the other two were only .99 cents each, so I bought them to finish the series and celebrate Buy A Book day.

From the Library:

Why I got it: It’s a fantastic true story about a man who brings books to villages in the hills of Columbia, it’s a library on the back of a donkey (burro.) As soon as I heard about this book I had to see if the library had a copy. They didn’t, so I used their online for to suggest it.

Unnaturally Delicious
Why I got it: It sounded interesting. I picked it up because it is written by an Oklahoma State professor and they have a really great agriculture (ag) research department. I was hoping this book would have some good information in it about ag innovations and the way ag innovators have kept science ahead of the need to feed the world. However, I just couldn’t get into it and returned it to the library after reading only 1 chapter. 🙁


Bad Kitty Does Not Like Video Games
Why I got it: I pre-ordered this latest Bad Kitty title because it combines 3 things our family loves- Bad Kitty, Videos Games, and Reading. And I’ve read at least a dozen times sine we received it.


The HobbitThe Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, and Prince Caspian
Why I got it: I was told that a good way to get into audio books is to listen to your favorites. So I used some audible credits to get three titles that I have been favorites of mine. So we’ll see if I can get into audio books via this route.


Entrusted – Bible Study Book
Why I got it: Our church is participating in the Mid-Valley Women of Christ valley wide bible Study. Since it’s a short 6-week study I decided to give it a try.

Children of Eve
“God Isn’t Done With Me Yet…”
Your Money Matters
The Life of Jesus
Mighty Prevailing Prayer
Why I got them: These were my grandfathers, and a couple of them have hand written note by him in them. Plus there were some compelling titles about the runaway epidemic of the 1980’s.

Naawun bukupaali (The Hanga New Testament)
Why I got it: The 200th version of the New Testament that Wycliffe Bible Translators. Although I can’t read it, it feels like owning a little piece of history.

2 replies on “September 2016 Book Pick-Ups”

I would love to move somewhere more rural and quiet so all the noise I hear each day comes just from animals! Sadly with no money to move I’m stuck where I am! I would have the same issues with moving all my books…I think I’d need one truck just for the books and bookcases…Hope the move wasn’t too stressful!

Thank for stopping by my blog. It is nice to be away from the noise, I certainly don’t miss the train we’d hear every night in town, but being so far from the grocery store is taking some getting use to.

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