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March 2017 Book Pick Ups

I am so far behind in my book pick up posts that I couldn’t hope to catch up, so I just decided to start fresh by posting just last months books. Since our move I kinda settled down on picking up anything but kindle titles and kids books. We just have less space, and I […]


December 2016 Book Pick-Ups

Christmas is always a great time for new books. Most of the year I get books through Kindle deals, and thrift stores. But December is a time where I can count on getting a few new physical books. The last couple of years this means coloring books too. Although, it’s a big fad now and […]


How to Get Books [and More] Free from the Internet

As an LibraryThing early reviewer, I’m not new to the idea of getting something (books) in exchange for my honest option. In fact I have received about 20 books this way. Not all of them have been winners, but overall I have been very happy with the quality of the books. One of my favorite […]