As a member of our local library board I enjoying trying to use all the services our library has to offer and encouraging others to do the same. One of the best kept secrets of our library is TumbleBooks. An online eBook reader for kids. In order to encourage others to use TumbleBooks to read […]
April 2016 Book Pick Ups
Inspired by The Deliberate Reader here are the new books I picked up in April. I’m currently reading Sorting the Beef from the Bull and Lord Foulgrin’s Letters. I’m really looking forward to reading Order of Magnitude, since I really enjoyed The Engineer Wizard and can’t wait to see where the second book takes […]
Oasis Verses
©Arwen LeQuieu 1. Cheese cloth around my heart, bleeding through this inefficient bandage. Tears in my eyes, or is it sweat, no wonder I can’t see. The horizon is on top. I’m sinking to the bottom. Lost like a blind man in a dessert My wounds are not healing, the greatest part of me still […]
As an LibraryThing early reviewer, I’m not new to the idea of getting something (books) in exchange for my honest option. In fact I have received about 20 books this way. Not all of them have been winners, but overall I have been very happy with the quality of the books. One of my favorite […]