Mortal Sight – The first book I’ve ever won from an Instagram contest. An urban fantasy that I actually liked. This was a great debut. This is what I wanted from the City of Bones. I plan on writing a review of it.
Tomo #2: My Double-Edged Life – A great manga series made for Christian kids. As I said before I wish there were more like this series. In this second book Hana faces both trouble at school and mysterious fox warriors.
Tomo #3: Child of Destiny – As Hana learns more about her parents and Tomo things take an interesting twist. I’m not adding anything more so as not to spoil the series.
Tomo #4: The Argon Deception – From the description, “even after one’s training is complete, there are still lessons to be learned.” I thought that quote was very good, esp. for our black belt kid.
Tomo #5: Secret Alliance – This one felt like a lower point in the series, and I didn’t continue right on to #6. But the kid read through the whole series as fast as she could. Of course, the series is aimed at kids.
Balthazar’s Bane – The Book I have been waiting for from Kat Ross. Balthazar is a great character and deserved his own book. How do I tell you about a book that brings to a close things for a character that has had a 9 book lead up? I’ll probably need a whole blog post for that. 😉
Shadow Dawn – What if Willow wasn’t the end of the story? What if Princess Elora Danan had a much bigger destiny than simply being saved from Bavmorda? The Shadow War trilogy expands on the story from the movie. Shadow Dawn is the second book in the trilogy. I’d love to get my hands on the other books, but they are selling for absurd amounts of money online.
What if the Earth Had Two Moons – A fun science book that proposes different scenarios for the Earth and it’s setting within the solar system.
Dread Nation – I don’t normally like Zombie stuff. I haven’t watched an episode of the Walking Dead, Day-Z or and of the Living Dead movies. But the idea of an alternative history where the dead rise up during the civil war sparked my interest. I genuinely enjoyed the story.
Making Money – My husband made me read a funny book, and he insists that this is one of those. While it had some funny parts, I’d call it more of a witty story than a funny one.
Roar (read my review) – Reread this because I got Rage for my birthday and wanted to be fresh up on the story to read that one. Still loved it.
Fire Hunter – My husband has been bugging me for years to read this book from his youth. Thanks to a flood with had this fall, where water got under several bookshelves, it resurfaced. So I went ahead and read it. It was a quick read and a good story, I imagine, for teen boys.
One False Note (The 39 Clues #2) – It took us a long time to get through this book as a read-aloud. And even though we enjoyed it we both thought that for the rest of the books we will just read them to ourselves and then talk about them.
Rage – Love it! Well worth the wait. The story picks up right where Roar left off and does a great job of carrying everything forward to a very unexpected finale. Rage continues to build and introduce complicated characters and character they defy troupe.
Deathless Divide – The sequel to Dread Nation. I need to end the year with this book. A book about hopeless situations, a hopeless world and what it takes to survive and how surviving changes you.
So as you can see I didn’t make my 50 book goal in 2020. But that’s alright it was a tough year, for many reasons. Did you manage to complete your reading goal for the year? What was the best book you read in 2020? Drop my a note in the comments to let me know.