Book Deals Books

The Forth Talisman Series: Start Reading for Only $0.99!

Nocturne, a wilderness of eternal night.
Solis, a wasteland of endless day.

Nazafareen is a Breaker, a mortal who has the rare ability to shatter spell magic—although her power carries a high price. With the memories of her former self erased and nowhere else to turn, she comes to Nocturne hoping to start a new life under the triple moons of the darklands.

But when an assassin forces Nazafareen to flee to the sunlit mortal city of Delphi, she finds herself embroiled in a deeper mystery whose origins lie far in the past. Why was the continent sundered into light and dark a thousand years before? And what really happened to the elegant but ruthless creatures who nearly reduced the world to ashes? The new Oracle might know, but she’s outlawed magic and executes anyone caught practicing it. Nazafareen must hide her powers and find a way out of the city—before it’s too late.

As the net slowly tightens, something ancient and vengeful begins to stir in the arid death zone called the Kiln. A dashing daeva named Darius is pursuing Nazafareen, but so are a multitude of enemies. War is brewing again. Can she stay alive long enough to stop it?

Right now Nocturne, first book in the Forth Talisman Series, is on sale for only $0.99. The whole series is available to read on Kindle Unlimited. I’ve read all of the book and recently posted my review of the final book in the series. Quite frankly I am still mussing on it, still planning to write another post all about the way that final book, Inferno, made me feel. But right now is your chance to jump in and get started on this binge worthy fantasy series!

Buy Nocturne Now

Note: This is a new Book Deals feature on my blog. Where I will be featuring deals on books I’ve read and loved. To be featured here I have to have previously reviewed the book on my blog. Authors if I have reviewed your book and it’s going to be going on sale please send me a message (with at least a week’s lead time) and I will add your deal to my blog.

My Reviews

The Fourth Talisman Series:

The Fourth Element Series:
The Midnight Sea and The Blood of the Prophet
Queen of Chaos

Dominion Mysteries
The Daemoniac
The Thirteenth Gate

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